Welcome to the Tiny Fibre Studio
I'm Becks and I teach handspinning techniques in person, online and via my my YouTube channel with online courses coming soon. I’m based in Devon, UK and have experience of teaching small to medium groups in person, individual beginner spinner sessions online and delivering large-scale talks online.
My spinning journey began in 2010 when a knitting friend suggested it would be fun to take a class on drop spindling. It wasn't fun. We fumbled around with an assortment of fibres for a couple of hours without much success before deciding that spinning was not for us. The spindle I'd been given in the class found its way to the back of my wardrobe and I forgot all about it.
That spindle reappeared a year later when, inspired by seeing other people spin on wheels, I decided to put a bit more effort in. YouTube guided me to spinners demonstrating the park and draft method and suddenly I found myself able to spin. I'm an impatient soul when it comes to making yarn, so I bought my first spinning wheel a few weeks later and haven't looked back since... although I've got over my dislike of spindles!
I well and truly fell down the rabbit hole of spinning and became more purposeful about the yarn I produce. My current obsession is exploring every way I can think of to spin blended tops for different colour effects.
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