‘Tips for Tops’ Colour Management Workshop

When I first learned to spin, I had my fair share of disappointing experiences with spinning multi-coloured blended tops in which the yarns just didn’t come out looking the way I’d imagined they would. Since then I’ve experimented and learned so much and in this workshop I shine a spotlight on the infinite colour management possibilities blended tops can offer.

Through a series of swatches and four technique demos, I share how to create the yarn you really want from tops, from highly blended all the way to stripes and gradients… and all without the use of fibre preparation tools. Just a twist-adding device of your choice and a lazy Kate.

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In-Person Workshop

Thanks to Lisa for the photo!

I first facilitated this session as an in-person event for 15 participants at Liskeard Spinners Guild in April 2023.

We looked at a range of different tops from multiple vendors and discussed the possibilities of each. I then demonstrated the specific techniques I use to spin for different colour techniques and participants had an opportunity to practice each skill with tops from their own stash. I was able to offer additional tips according to each spinners’ needs. Participants were able to see a range of swatches close-up and examine the different yarns in detail.

Please get in touch if you’d like to explore the possibility of me running this session for your Guild.

The workshop that Becks gave at the last physical meeting was clearly much appreciated by those who had attended and they generously shared their experiences and what they had been up to in response... talk around the colour issue gave a sense of just how breathtaking that workshop must have been.
— Guild newsletter

Online Workshop

The online workshop was first delivered in July 2023 as a virtual workshop for the John Arbon Textiles Virtual Mill Open Weekend with over 240 participants from around the world.

Using a multi-camera setup along with prepared slides, I showed the possibilities with one specific top being spun in different ways and demonstrated drafting and plying techniques.


John Arbon Textiles Workshop Information

Supporting Reference Sheet (Patreon Members Only)

The workshop was recorded and is now available on the John Arbon Textiles YouTube channel.

Since Zoom compresses the image quality, I’ve created a reference guide for my Patreon Members, containing close-ups of all the ‘Borage’ samples seen in the virtual workshop.

Further Resources

At the end of the John Arbon Textiles workshop, several other resources were discussed. As promised, here’s a list of them. Please let me know if I forgot anything!:

Supporting Reference Sheet (Patreon Members Only)

Where to Find Becks:
and my website, but you’re already here!

Featured tools:
Hansencrafts miniSpinner Pro
Akerworks Clampy Kate

Other Equipment Recommendations:
Dreaming Robots Electric Eel Wheel 6
Daedalus Spinning Wheels

Yarnitecture by Jillian Moreno
The Fleece and Fibre Sourcebook
(look out for sales on the digital versions of these!)

Drop Spindle Techniques:
51 Yarns: Ply on the Fly Video

Resources for colour management in hand-dyed tops:
51 Yarns: Fractal Spinning Video
’Take Control of Colour’ Book by Katie Weston (Hilltop Cloud)

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